Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Responses to My Peers Billy Collins Questions

From Daniel's Blog:
Q: Did you purposely choose to make some of your metaphors ridiculous?
My Answer: I think that Billy Collins definitely made some of his metaphors ridiculous.  The point of his poem was to poke fun at the poem he was "mimicking" and so his metaphors had to be over the top.  The ideas and objects that Collins compares in the metaphors in "Litany" are so over-the-top to make his point.  His point being that love poems, especially the one he is re-writing, are usually absurd and ridiculous.  

From Haley's Blog:
Q. Was the purpose of the poem for a laugh, or something deeper?
My Answer: All poems must have a meaning and a purpose for the poet to write them.  I personally feel as though this poem's purpose is solely for a laugh.  The way that Billy Collins reads his poem, "Litany" is completely sarcastic and monotone.  Because of how Collins reads "Litany" I am almost positive he wrote this poem for a laugh.  Also, the poem itself is full of ridiculous metaphors and absurd proclaims of love for the poet's subject.  The way the poem is written also shows that Collins wrote this poem for a laugh.  

From Alison's Blog:
Q: Were you trying to gain a positive or negative response from the audience?
My Answer: This is an interesting question because Collins poem could really get a positive or negative reaction from the reader depending on who the person is that is reading it.  I think that Collins was trying to gain a positive  responsive from his audience by trying to make them laugh about how ridiculous some love poems can be.  His poem filled with metaphors and proclaims of love that seem like they have are written by a lovesick teenager.  The poem itself arises a feeling of humor and playfulness out of whoever is reading it.

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