Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"Grammatical Errors" Response

"In thinking about a certain idea, many sentences and ideas can be drawn by using detailed words within this idea."

This sentence is very, very confusing.  It has a great message that it is trying to convey, but the author simply got a little "tounge-tied" in their writing.  Although the sentence is grammatically correct, it's content is too confusing.  The writer should think about what they are trying to convey in this sentence and make it more short and precise to make it clearer!


  1. What did you think was the great message that was trying to be said here? When I picked the sentence apart I got absolutely nothing. It was so wordy and poorly structured that it actually had no meaning.

  2. I agree that is sentence is confusing. There is nothing to really grasp and understand enough to fix. The word 'idea' is a ican'tthinkofanyotherword word, and it's usage makes the sentence very vague.
