Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't!: The Marshmellow Test Confusing Quote Response

As Mischel said in this article, "We can't control the world, but we can control how we think about it."  We can all agree that the world and its daily occurrences are out of our control.  Shit just happens and all we, as humans, can do is react.  Although, one thing we can control is how we perceive such occurrences.  Knowing how to deal with problems and issues is a vital part of living life.  This idea relates to the four year olds who had to make what they could out of their difficult situation in the marshmellow experiment.  Some decided that the wait would be torture and ate their treat immediately.  Others determined that it was worth the wait to get a second marshmellow.  The experiment is meant to show that kids, like adults, are faced with immediate decisions and can only make of it what they know.  This shows that knowledge is power and learning how to control one's knowledge might be the secret to surviving in this world.  By having self-control one has the knowledge of how to control one's life.  This is probably why the four year olds with self control were successful in academic and employment endeavors because they knew how to "control" difficult situations that were thrown at them!


  1. I agree completely, it's true that we can't control what happens in our lives, but we can control how we perceive them and what we do in response.
    It is a valid comparison to say that the young children who could hold out and wait patiently were the ones who did better in school and in their careers.

  2. I love that quote that you used to open this post with! I actually posted it on my private blog haha

    This is a great post, because your writing here is so raw and truthful.

    Sorry for all the posts at once..I'm way too busy during the week to keep up with comments!
